Official Softaculous Documentation

Softaculous is a great Auto Installer - having 447 great scripts, 1115 PHP Classes and always adding more. Softaculous is ideal for Web Hosting companies and it could give a significant boost to your sales. These scripts cover most of the uses a customer could ever have. They cover a wide array of categories so that everyone could find the required script needed to power their Web Site.

If you have any questions about certain Softaculous features not discussed in our knowledgebase or simply want to see the technical details, feel free to visit their site here or go to

Their Documentation covers everything from the installation of Softaculous on various control panels like cPanel to a useful library of Howto's created by the Softaculous team to help those new to their product.

To learn more about installing Softaculous on cPanel, visit

To look at their How To page, visit

They also offer a remote hosting of Softaculous, which you can learn more about here:

If you want to know more about the powerful auto installer, make sure to visit our Softaculous page or contact us by opening a ticket or our live chat feature to speak with an operator.

  • Softaculous, Documentation
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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